Before I continue let me quickly start by making a very sticking statement which was made by one of the most renowned world and respected Entrepreneurs by name Robert Kiyosaki. He said...
"Today there are so many ways to get rich. From a smart phone you can sell
anything to anyone at anytime. So if you have one and you are still poor then
you are doing something wrong".
- Robert T. Kiyosaki (The Author of Rich Dad Poor Dad).
Wow! That's a big one. But it's unfortunate a lot of people out there especially in
Africa have not come to understand that money has got a new identity. It has totally changed location and the new location is TECHNOLOGY. This means that all business model today must be designed to operate through a technology or it dies. This is quite dangerous for a lot of uninformed people especially ones who doesn't follow the timeline of innovation and technological advancement.
Smart entrepreneurs are the one's who plug into opportunities at the very early stage. They are called pioneers. That means that one of the best ways to maximize business opportunities is simply to connect to a